In May of 2012, I began Resistance Legal Clinic in Chicago. We are a small group, with no funding. The time I have devoted to the group is reflected in the fact there have been no posts in this space for several months.
In contrast to the efforts that take $3.5 million or so in government funds and accomplish little, our small group has served many people without using any financial resources.
With 10 student volunteers and 5 attorney-mentors, we served over 50 homeowners over the summer. We staffed 3 Save-Your-Home events.
I am gratified to have a new crop of student volunteers with fall semester beginning. In addition, there are a few returning students. We will have a training for them on September 24, 2012, in space donated by DePaul University School of Law.
I am taking advantage of this space to advertise the opportunity to chip in for supplies and refreshments for our student volunteers. I get a lot of rewarding personal email messages about the blog, some of which ask me to let the writer know what they can do in return. Those who are so inclined can donate at: